Pool Deck Damage:

Repair or Resurface?

Having a backyard pool area is an excellent way to have some family fun at your own home and enjoy the outdoors! However, as these spaces are primarily located outside, concrete pool decks are susceptible to more damage.

When you notice that cracks, chips, or holes are forming in the concrete, you’ll want to take care of it before it worsens and compromises your entire deck.

But what’s the best choice? Repair the deck, or have it resurfaced? Let’s take a look at both options to help you decide on the best solution for your situation!

Pool Deck Repair

Repairing your pool deck is typically the less expensive option of the two. This involves patching, filling, and other minor methods of resolving damage. Cracks are usually repaired by using an injectable epoxy filler that prevents the cracks from spreading or deepening. Chipping or scaling areas can typically be fixed using a concrete patch to fill in the damaged areas and smooth the surface out again. Patches and fillers will need to be color-matched to help them blend in with your existing concrete.

Some homeowners prefer this option as it only targets specific spots that have been damaged instead of the entire pool deck. This means that it’ll only require the bare minimum in materials and labor to help save money and time. The downside to pool deck repair is that it can be challenging to color-match the repair materials to prevent them from standing out from the rest of your pool deck. Your concrete contractor can get the look reasonably close, but it can compromise the aesthetic quality of your pool deck.

The good news is that a pool deck repair can be followed up with a resurfacing, even at a later date if necessary! As pool deck resurfacing is applied over your existing concrete, repairs are typically required before applying the resurfacing material anyway.

Pool Deck Resurfacing

Put simply, pool deck resurfacing involves grinding down the surface of an existing concrete pool deck and replacing it with a new layer of material after making repairs.

One of the most popular options for pool deck resurfacing is stamped concrete overlays. These overlays are applied thick enough to have a patterned stamp imprinted to leave a permanent, textured design that mimics other materials, such as brick, stone, or tile.

However, there are many different options to choose from if you want to resurface your pool deck, such as smooth overlays and Kool Deck coatings! Whichever resurfacing material you choose, there is a myriad of colors, patterns, and textures to choose from to customize it.

Pool deck resurfacing will cost a touch more than repairs because more materials and more time will be needed to complete the process. However, you’ll get a brand new look for your pool deck that is free of damage and has a renewed texture, making it safer and better looking! Resurfacing is going to be the best option if you’re concerned with your pool deck’s aesthetics following repairs.

Which is Best for You?

In the end, the choice comes down to how much you want to spend, how important your pool deck’s appearance is to you, and the time you want to be invested in this project. Pool deck repair will be the faster, cheaper option. However, your pool deck may not look as attractive when repairs are finished. Pool deck resurfacing will take slightly more time and cost a bit more. But you’ll have a completely new look for your pool deck. Although, if you choose pool deck repair, you can always have it resurfaced later!